The Tank of Abrams

This was the 2nd time seeing Abrams in 1 year and they for sure brought their gamefaces on. Actually I've only seen them twice total, but these guys are really good at sludgey stonery metal. Morning is such a fantastic album from start to finish.

My buddy Michael Amster played drums for them and he told me about their June gig of last year which floored me. Michael has a twin brother and I'm not sure if I had mentioned this in the June blog of the 1st gig, but it was hilarious... I had mistaken Zach for Michael at the 1st gig that I saw Abrams.

1st song I edited a bit, there was a slight power outage in the 1st song, so it briefly cuts out. Happened to be my favorite song off of Morning too. Abrams played a new song that would be a b-side to a future 7". Enjoy!




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